4 Tips for Generating Remote Work Wellness

Working from home can help you find better work-life balance as you spend no time commuting  and you’re able to break up your workday to better accommodate your family’s schedule. But it can also lead you to feel isolated, it makes it more difficult to get self-motivated, and it’s harder to unplug for the evening and switch to personal time. So here are four tips to improve your mental health and wellbeing while you’re working remotely:   

Create an Inviting Office Space

Whether you have a dedicated room in your home that serves as your office, or you’ve set up your desk in a corner of the living room or in your bedroom, strive to make your work area as pleasant and inviting as possible, so you’ll actually enjoy spending time there during business hours. Paint the walls an uplifting color that will give you a boost of energy and increase your productivity during your workday. And think about reducing visual clutter as much as you can to avoid distractions. You can invest in smart storage solutions that will hide your office essentials, yet keep them close at hand and easily accessible while you work. 

Stick to a Schedule 

Not having clear boundaries between home life and office life can make it difficult to set specific working hours for yourself. Yet, in order to be productive, it’s essential that you keep blocks of time reserved for business, or you may end up not accomplishing what you set out to do at the end of a workday and having to scramble to meet your deadlines the next day, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. So stick to a work schedule as much as you can, and let everyone in your household know when not to disturb you by posting your office hours on your door or someplace they can be seen by all, like the kitchen refrigerator.

Add Flowers to Your Office Decor

You don’t need to wait for a special occasion to get a bouquet of fresh flowers that will liven up your office. Fresh flowers are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they can also add a wonderful fragrance to your space. The pop of color that flowers provide will cheer you up as you work and help brighten your mood. Indoor plants are also a welcome addition to any home as they boast air-purifying properties. They’ve also been shown to reduce stress in office workers, so think about bringing some of those green gems into your home office to enjoy all their benefits while beautifying your space.    

Indulge in a Hot Cup of Tea

Take a mid-afternoon break and sip some flavorful Ceylon tea. Drinking tea during the day will give you a renewed burst of energy and keep you going until you’re ready to power off. Ceylon tea boasts many health benefits: it promotes weight loss, boosts immunity, protects the heart, and contains antioxidants that are good for your skin. Take this time to unplug for a while and clear your mind as you sit outside to enjoy some fresh air, or just step away from your desk and stretch out for a moment as you recharge your mental batteries. You’ll feel ready to go back to your tasks and finish your day calmer and stress-free.    

Working from home has many benefits if you know how to balance your job and your personal life. So be sure to establish clear boundaries between the two. This will ensure that you keep enjoying both your career and your family.

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